Saturday, September 15, 2018

Difference between Quantitative Market Research and Qualitative Market Research?

One way to organize market research is by quantitative and qualitative techniques.  A proper clarification of quantitative and qualitative research are as follows, but if you want to keep this topic very easy, think of quantitative data as prepared (often numerical) data that can be plugged addicted to a spreadsheet and analyzed with statistical methods equally, think of qualitative data as unstructured information (focus group comments, observations, etc.) that is summarized individually, as opposed to mathematical Information.

Quantitative Research:

This research aims to independently measure the topic at hand over, with mathematics and statistics.  If you are doing quantitative research, you will mostly analyzing raw data with the help of a spreadsheet software curriculum like Microsoft Excel, or a statistical package like SPSS.  To facilitate this type of examination, your data will need to be gathered in a structured arrange.  Quantitative research is frequently conducted using market research methods like surveys and experiments, which are best for collecting structured data.

Considering that original primary research may not be necessary to conduct quantitative examination, there are many secondary research data sources available that have structured data perfect for quantitative analysis (a good model is gap minder).

Example: each day, one-question survey is conducted at the website “On Any Interesting Topic for the Survey”. .  These surveys are easy examples of quantitative research, because they can be analyzed numerically.  The model below shows response percentages for the question “who is your favorite Disney character?”  Since you can see, the data was collected in a structured way (multiple choice questions) and the results are summarized in an objective, statistical fashion.

Qualitative Research:

 Qualitative research is typically unstructured and exploratory in character.  In this case, the researcher is not interested in formative objective statistical conclusions or in testing a hypothesis, but rather in gaining insights about a certain subject.  Common qualitative research techniques include focus groups, interviews, and statement.

Because the data is unstructured–imagine a bunch of handwritten notes from a focus group meeting–it can be tricky drawing conclusions and presenting the conclusion.  In the container of interviews and focus groups, the moderator may simply take some time to write up the key points heard in the meeting, and then present those key points to the involved parties.  For model, in a focus group about pizza, you might see the next summary: “common concerns among participants were cheese overuse, greasiness, and bland sauce.”

However another qualitative analysis method is automated content examination.  Let’s say you have a large heap of unstructured text that you’ve typed up during a focus group.  You could yourself look through the notes and draw some conclusions.  You could moreover take that text and dump it into a content analyzer.

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